Osteoarthritis – Obesity?

Posted by Helen Potter on 05 September 2017 | Filed under Knee OA (Osteoarthritis)

Osteoarthritis cases on the rise in Australia 

The incidence of osteoarthritis has skyrocketed in the past decades. Osteoarthritis is now one of Australia’s leading health concerns. 

Could obesity be playing a role?

Dr Linda Swan Medibank Chief Medical Officer said:

“It’s concerning that the incidence of osteoarthritis is continuing to climb year-on-year. We know osteoarthritis can be exacerbated by being overweight. It’s essential that we encourage healthy eating habits and regular exercise to prevent and improve osteoarthritis symptoms.

Consulting your GP or physiotherapist about the type of exercise that’s right for you.”

Tips for managing osteoarthritis

  • Exercise is vital in both the prevention and management of osteoarthritis. Exercise helps strengthen muscles and joints. Try to pace yourself with new exercise. Avoid overdoing. If you’re in pain, speak to a physiotherapist. Exercises can be modified to suit you as an individual.
  • Opt for supportive footwear:  Your body will respond to the type of foot ware you choose.  Both flat and high heels can both contribute to increased stress on your knees. Speak to a podiatrist about choosing the appropriate footwear for you.
  • If you’re feeling joint or muscle pain, speak to your Physio immediately.

Why put up with pain when we can help?

Call Helen Potter at In Touch Physiotherapy 08 9381 6166

Email Helen Potter at In Touch Physiotherapy helen@intouch.physio

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