
Physiotherapy is a science-based health-care discipline that helps:
- Ease your pain
- Free your movement and
- Regain optimal function
Physiotherapy excels in providing:
- Accurate diagnosis and classification of disorders
- Effective treatment and management of pain
- Rehabilitation of posture and movement
Australian Physiotherapists are at the forefront of world research into pain and and use gentle drug-free techniques to restore physical and psychological health.
"I look forward to relieving your pain, whatever your age,
fitness level or type of problem."
* Street Parking outside clinic, plus Bus/Train, Cat Bus are within 10 minutes walk.
*Same day appointments / urgent home visits are available if required. 041996945
In Touch Physiotherapy Consultations include:
- A comprehensive examination of your pain areas and your posture and movement patterns
- Scientific evidenced and effective treatment
- Discussion with you about your beliefs, goals and activities
- My passion is to empower you with quality advice and skills
- My aim is to inspire you to participate actively in your recovery
- My priority is to improve the quality of your life as soon as possible